Register for both the Society for Conservation GIS (SCGIS) Conference and a training workshop specifically designed for conservationists. The following workshops will be held prior to the conference, on Monday, July 15, 2013.
- Using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst and ModelBuilder for Habitat Analysis — Learn about raster GIS. Analyze cost distance, viewshed and proximity grids, and site suitability. Learn to use digital elevation model (DEM) elevation files, map algebra, and the raster calculator.
- Tools, Concepts, and Case Studies in Marine Spatial Planning — Get an overview of marine spatial planning (MSP) processes, relevant GIS-based tools, techniques, and modeling and assessment.
- SeaSketch — Learn how to build an end-to-end, web-based mapping solution for MSP using SeaSketch and ArcGIS Online services.
Register for workshops when you register for the conference. Preconference workshops are limited to 20 seats per class, so register early.
Filed under: Environmental Science, GIS